Friday, December 23, 2011

Architectural Internships

Giannikis SHOP is currently looking for interns.

We are working on two national architectural competitions and we are in urgent need of interns to work on the competitions. For more information and/or to apply please contact us at

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Please find Π : X+Y=L.F.E. collection at the museum shop of BENAKI MUSEUM at 138 Pireos str. Athens, Greece

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Join us for ΑΥΘΑΙΡΕΤΑ at Giannikis SHOP


Giannikis SHOP designed the Pecha Kucha Thessaloniki #3 Poster

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Giannikis SHOP presented at Pecha Kucha Thessaloniki #3 on November the 1st 2011 hosted at Hotel Ariston. Event organized by ελculture, produced by symvoli and curated by officeculture.

Presentation thesis: 'The Bubble'. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thessaloniki Piers - Honorary Mention

status: Thessaloniki Piers - Honorary Mention 
program: Thessaloniki Water Transportation Piers
site: 300 m
building size: 120 m2
team: Stamatios Giannikis (team leader), Evi Tsagka, Stelina Tsifti, Panagiotis Chatzitsakiris, George Aggelou,
year: 2011   

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011


This couch has been especially designed for the TEDxThessaloniki event.

It is made of rags (clothes industry fabric leftovers), wrapped up in tserki (high capacity tension synthetic bands) with an industrial hydraulic materials press. In the contemporary clothes industry production line, rag is gathered by industrial material recycling companies, separated in different stacks, packed and returned to the industry to produce recycled thread and/or fabric. This couch is a parenthesis to the above mentioned clothes industry production line. After full filling its purpose as a sit at the event, it will return back to it: 

Thread - Fabric - Rag - (Couch) - Thread  

Το κάθισμα αυτό σχεδιάστηκε ειδικά για την εκδήλωση του TEDxThessaloniki.

Αποτελείται από ράκη (υπολύμματα υφασμάτων βιοτεχνικής παραγωγής ενδυμάτων) συσκευασμένα με τσέρκια (συνθετικοί ιμάντες υψηλής αντοχής) σε πιεστικό μηχάνημα (έμβολο υδραυλικής συμπίεσης υλικών). Στη σύγχρονη γραμμή παραγωγής ενδυμάτων, τα ράκη συλλέγονται από εταιρείες ανακύκλωσης βιοτεχνικών υλικών, διαχωρίζονται, συσκευάζονται και επαναδιατίθενται στην αγορά για την παραγωγή ανακυκλωμένου νήματος ή/και υφασμάτων. Το κάθισμα αυτό αποτελεί μια παρένθεση στην παραπάνω γραμμή παραγωγής. Μετά την ολοκλήρωση της εκδήλωσης θα επιστρέψει σε αυτήν: 

Νήμα - Ύφασμα - Ράκος - (Κάθισμα) - Νήμα 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Meteorite Mural

Meteorite Mural at Punto Nero Bar, Leoforos Nikis 47, Thessaloniki, Greece. Bar design by

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Planet Agents

Eco education for primary school children in Greek language. Produced for NGO 'Planet Agents'